View houses selected as Yard of the Month
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Conference Call
The Board of Directors for the La Frontera Homeowners' Association, Inc., has scheduled a regular meeting.
Meeting Information
When: 2/24/20...
Conference Call
Adult Concert
Easter Egg hunt at the pool
The big Event
Board Meeting
Gazebos to be installed at the playground
The attached image represents the Gazebos to be installed at the La Frontera Playground.
La Frontera Speed Cushions
The following is a map of the speed cushions, those who will be impacted and the homeowners we need to sign the petition. Please help us keep our neighborhood safe!
The following link provides an example of City of Arlington Speed Cushions
Tabasco Trail
The following is a map of the speed cushions, those who will be impacted, and the homeowners we need to sign the petition. Please help us keep our neighborhood safe!
Blue Sky
The following is a map of the speed cushions, those who will be impacted, and the homeowners we need to sign the petition. Please help us keep our neighborhood safe!
LA Frontera awards two houses each month with a $25 gift card to Calloway's. October and December are awarded via community decorating contest. Please see here for December winners. The remaining months are awarded to residents who maintain their landscape to keep La Frontera looking great!
Congratulations to the two houses voted best decorated by the community! (2).pdf - Google Drive
Please review the attached updated violation procedure policy. Due to recent updates to Texas Property Code 209, the Board of Directors on December 10, 2023, held a special meeting to approve the policy. Thus, bringing the association in compliance with the new state law. The policy itself is the current policy that the association has filed however includes additional verbiage that is required.
Violation Procedure Policy.pdf - Google Drive
Send an email to to have it listed here!
The goal is back! Go shoot some hoops when you have a chance!
Advertise your child's business here!!
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Your lawn must be kept in good order as per the HOA governing documents and the city of Arlington Code enforcement.
The City of Arlington is verifying the signatures using its system or by calling/emailing to confirm the person signing lives at the location. After verifying the signatures, they will issue the work order to get the speed cushions installed.